Workplace Profile
Everything DiSC Workplace® offers a range of reports. These enable understanding of yourself, to aid facilitation and to initiate positive change in your organisation. Following the completion of an advanced psychometric profile online, each participant receives a 20 page, fully customisable and personalised report that:
- Provides an introduction to Everything DiSC® and an overview of each DiSC® style
- Talks about your own work style and behaviour
- Identifies priorities, motivators and stressors at work
- Tackles how you react to each of the other styles
- Provides strategies to increase effectiveness when dealing with each style
- Offers 3 key action points to increase workplace effectiveness
Click here to see a sample of the Everything DiSC® Workplace profile.
Sample Facilitator Report
Providing greater detail on each participant, this one page report quickly helps Facilitators engage in deeper discussion about individual styles, tackle unexpected items in the report and offer extra priorities. Click here
Sample Comparison Report
Everything DiSC® Comparison Reports are follow-up reports that can be created for any two participants to illustrate similarities and differences. The research-validated report helps to build better relationships and makes training stick. Participants get unlimited access at no additional charge. Click here
Sample Team View Report
This report is an at-a-glance view of an unlimited number of respondents and their individual Everything DiSC maps. There is unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles. Click here
Sample Group Culture Report
This plots all members of your team on the DiSC profile wheel giving detailed, anonymous analysis of how your team works. It shows the factors, both positive and negative, that impact on the team. Click here